Filing, protection and enforcement of your designs, patents and trademarks

Hübsch, Kirschner & Partner

We focus exclusively on the practice of intellectual property law and cover all topics related to Patent, Trademark, Design, Copyright, and the Unfair Competition law. By specializing in acquiring, protecting, managing ideas and innovations, the patent attorneys and attorney at law, of Hübsch, Kirschner & Partner skillfully guide you through the legal corridors of intellectual property law. Thus avoiding or removing obstacles and pitfalls you might encounter along the way.

We serve clients all across Germany as well as internationally. Our clients include international corporations as well as medium-sized companies and start-ups. The Office is situated in Cologne.

The patent attorneys, attorney at law, support staff, of Hübsch, Kirschner and Partner possess extensive training and experience, with our patent attorneys holding technology-related graduate or scientific degrees.

We provide you with answers to all questions relating to intellectual property protection from a single source. Your matters are the focus of our service.

Individual advice on copyright, trademark and patent law, competition law

Life is colorful and varied. That’s why we know that every case is different.

But with us, one thing always stays the same, and you can rely on it: you and your concerns are the focus of our advice. An intensive exchange with you is essential to us as patent attorneys and lawyers. This advice is the cornerstone of the fact that we can offer tailored, high-quality information for you and your brand, for example. It also ensures that you are informed of the current status at all times.

We want to understand you, and we want to be recognized by you. That is why we need to have an intensive exchange with you. We work with you to develop a transparent solution that is tailor-made for you and your request.

Dirk Hübsch
Dirk HübschPatent attorney
Sebastian Kirschner
Sebastian KirschnerPatent attorney

Intellectual property: designs, patents, trademarks, etc.

The term “intellectual property” means property rights to creations of the human intellect. Colloquially, it’s about protecting ideas. Intellectual property includes patents, utility models, trademarks, designs, copyright, and related rights such as competition law.

Patentrecht, Markenrecht, Patent law, trademark law, copyright law: which property rights protect what?

A patent or utility model is used to protect technical inventions.

Copyright protects works of literature, science, and art.

A design protects the external design, i.e. the shape of products.

A trademark protects signs, e.g. Logos of products and / or services.

Industrial property rights protect against imitation

In particular, technical inventions, trademarks, and designs can also be of great economic importance for small and medium-sized companies. It is, therefore, worth protecting intellectual property against unwanted imitation with intellectual property rights. If you are the owner of an industrial property right, you are also an owner of a right of prohibition which you can enforce against infringers. For example, you can prohibit third parties from copying a product or using a trademark commercially. This also protects, for example, the investments made in a technical invention or the investments for building a trademark.
